Tag Archives: Kay Arthur

Does God’s Call Equal a Boring Social Life?

Have you ever had that feeling while watching a presenter that they’ve somehow gotten access to your thoughts and are speaking directly to your life circumstance?

This was my experience for most of the three days at the CWIMA annual conference. From the keynote address that categorized internet pornography attraction at an epidemic level, to the graceful and wise counsel given by renowned bible scholar KayArthur who challenged every woman in attendance to monitor her dress and guard her heart against forbidden desire, it was as if the messages presented had been personally earmarked just for me (God has a way of doing that).

On my plane ride back, I mentally sifted through all of the great moments from the weekend, but one connection stands out as truly inspiring.

I met a woman who had also authored a book. As we spoke about my book’s theme of female pornography consumption, her tone changed as she winced and took a sharp breath in as if she had been suddenly chilled to the bone. “This is going to come quickly,” she said as her eyes intently held mine, “you’ve got to get prepared and get anchored becaugod's calling picse the topic of pornography is seductive.”

God was attempting to get my attention as I listened fiercely doing my best to memorize all that I felt He was revealing to me through this woman. Sometimes the plan God has for your life will require a life-change and you may not feel prepared for it, What things must I stop doing? Can I still have a fun social life? Am I “holy” enough to meet God’s calling? 

In the Bible, when Jesus was preparing for the end of his life on earth, He began to pray and emphasized the importance of being “one” with Him so that God’s love could be shown to the world (John 17:20-23).

I believe this is the “anchoring” God revealed through the words of that kind woman. As we draw closer to the Son, it anchors us to Him and will ultimately shift our thoughts, behaviors, and actions towards those things that are pleasing to God. Those “fun” things that we cherished so much, which tend to draw us away from God, no longer hold priority in our lives. Most importantly, anchoring to the Son allows God’s love to manifest openly and brilliantly to others who may or may not know Him.

Anchoring, is a lofty assignment we’re all tasked with – the question becomes, will we accept the challenge?